Access Membership

The Everyman Theatre is committed to ensuring that theatre truly is for everyone. We have launched our access membership to provide the best service possible for our patrons with accessibility requirements.


Benefits of joining our Access Membership

Book tickets online

Tailored information regarding performances and your visit

Guided telephone booking experience

You do not need to be a member to use our dedicated access telephone line or email address:

01242 705559/

Please note that if booking carers tickets online, tickets will all appear at full price until you are logged into your account. You must have registered proof of disability with us via Box Office or our Access Membership to receive free carers' tickets.


Ways to become a member 

Download the application form in the red button below or

Pick up an application form at our Box Office


Email the completed form to

Drop the completed form into our Box Office or

Post the completed form to:

Box Office

Everyman Theatre






Access Membership Application Form