Many schools arrive by coach during the pantomime season and this page offers all the information regarding the system we have in place to ensure smooth access and egress to the theatre. It is really important you read the guidance before attending and please share the information with your coach company so they can familiarise themselves with the process. If you have queries regarding coach drop-off/collection points, please contact the Deputy Theatre Manager Jenny Wicks: or telephone 01242 512515 x 254. * Please email Jenny if you are arriving by coach so we can arrange to meet you and your children to ensure safe access into the theatre from your drop-off point*

Please be aware that Regent Street is a dead-end road and does not have enough space for coaches to park, unload or turn around. Therefore we have a system in place during our pantomime season.

Coaches should drop-off and pick-up passengers from the area of the Promenade accessed via Pittville Street (what3words - ///wooden.finds.pigs) with the lead coach dropping off outside The Famous. Our ushers will be on hand on the Promenade half an hour before each performance to meet the coaches. Please note: it is important that we do not obstruct the passage of other traffic on the Promenade, and coach drivers must liaise with theatre ushers to ensure that the road does not become blocked.

Please consider the following guidelines:

  • lead coach to pull as far down the Promenade as possible

  • rear coach to ensure vehicles can still pass between the back of their vehicle and the e-scooter park

  • coaches to leave enough space at the corners for buses to navigate the turns

Once your coach has arrived please disembark as soon as possible so that we can make space for the next coach. Once you and your group are safely off, our ushers will escort you to the theatre.

Coaches are only permitted to drop-off and pick-up on the Promenade and cannot remain parked there during the performance.

We request that coaches arrive at the Promenade within ten minutes of the end of the pantomime. We only have space for five or six coaches to stop at once, so additional coaches may be asked to circle the ring road until a space becomes available.

And finally, a polite request following feedback from our neighbours – please could coach drivers turn engines off when stationary on the Promenade to limit the noise and pollution from the coaches whilst waiting.

If you have any queries regarding coach drop off/collection points please contact the Deputy Theatre Manager Jenny Wicks:

Please email Jenny if you are arriving by coach so we can arrange to meet you and your children to ensure safe access into the theatre from your drop-off point.