The Everyman Theatre's Knitting Group

Knitted Soft Toys

Being part of a knitting group is wonderful for wellbeing and companionship. The Everyman Theatre’s knitting group are a very friendly bunch and everyone is welcome. You can bring your own knitting or knit for various projects in the theatre.

We recently knitted polar bears and snowmen and sent them to hospitals where young people were spending the Christmas period. Our production of The Snow Queen in the Irving Studio Theatre, brought to us by Hammerpuzzle Theatre was live streamed to 8 hospitals and 2 care homes nationally so that children and residents could watch the performance whilst cuddling their very own knitted friend!!

Zebra knitted soft toy

We are currently knitting zebras to be given out to children over the coming months, as part of a series of education and community projects, sponsored by our Principal Partner Investec Wealth& Investment. 

Come along and join the fun! We meet every Friday morning from 10.30am in the Circle Bar at the Everyman which is on the first floor of the theatre, accessible by lift. There is no cost and no commitment is necessary. 

For more information please contact Caro Day on