Savers and Discounts are available for selected performances at the Everyman Theatre

Savers and Discounts are available for selected performances at the Everyman Theatre

Availability is limited and differs by performance. Available discounts are listed on individual show pages on the Discounts tab. Savers and discounts can include the following...


Group Saver: Groups of 10+ receive £3.00 off price bands 1 - 3. For groups of 20+ the organiser's ticket may be free.

Education Saver: Special rates for school and college groups of 10+, availability may be limited.

For more information on Group and Education savers click here or email or call 01242 695574


£3.00 off price bands 1 -2 for members of the Priority Access Members .

£2 off price bands 1 - 3 for under 16s, over 60s, NUS cardholders, jobseekers and recipients of income support.


For selected performances a complimentary ticket may be available for the carer of a person who may not be able to attend events unaccompanied. Carers must be able to assist with egress in the event of an evacuation and are responsible for the safety and care of those they are accompanying. Proof of eligibility may be required in the form of a DLA or PIP certificate or a blue badge. Carer tickets must be booked through the Everyman Theatre box office either by phone (01242 572573) or in person. Carer tickets are only available to those paying for a full price adult ticket. Complimentary carer tickets are not available in the Irving Studio Theatre or for those accompanying children under 12, who are not permitted in the theatre without an accompanying adult. Carer tickets are limited and may not be available for all performances.

Only one discount or saver can be applied per ticket and proof of eligibility may be required. All discounts and savers are subject to availability and these offers may be withdrawn at any time without prior notice.